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How to Do Bathroom Plumbing?

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How to Do Bathroom Plumbing?

Are you going to start building the house and don’t know what to check the bathroom plumbing? So get connected in this complete walk-through that will help you!

To start a work it is necessary to make a plan because every detail is important to avoid future problems. If you came to this article, it’s because you care about the subject and here is the right place to find the best tips!

One of the most important stages of construction is the hydraulics, after all, having a working flush and faucet, as well as a hot shower with good water regulation, are essential. In this guide, we’ve brought you a step-by-step guide on how you can make your bathroom plumbing the right way. Read on to learn more!


How to make bathroom plumbing?

The first thing you should know before starting is what plumbing is. This is the system that provides water supply, distribution, and drainage in homes. Its function is to capture, transport, and store the liquid.

In a hydraulic project, you can find the water tank, the hot and cold water distribution networks, the collection of sewage and rainwater. Due to the degree of difficulty they demand, it is important to consult a specialized professional to ensure that the entire project complies with the specifications determined by the technical standards.

When done well, an architectural project should have defined where and how the water distribution points in the house will be used. With a floor plan of the property, it is possible to know where showers, sinks, drains, registers and other items important to the project will be installed. Pipes, water tanks, and other connections must also be included in the project so that, in the future, a wall where a pipe is installed is not broken.

1. Water tank:

It is important for the whole house plumbing and not just in the process of making bathroom plumbing. Within this stage, some steps are important, including:

– install the trestle kit for connecting the site water meter to the water meter — hydrometer — of the company that distributes the resource. The easel serves to connect the company’s water meter that distributes the resource to the residence’s water tank.

– accommodate the water tank at the highest point of the house;

– connect the easel and the water tank;

– use the piping system that will take the water from the hydrometer to the water tank;

– Install the float inside the water tank and the valve in the water outlet of the tank;

– also include an exit for cleaning and a thief;

– one outlet must be reserved for a 1 and 1/2 inch pipe if the toilet uses a hydra valve and another for a 3/4″ pipe for the rest of the house.

2. Registration and Piping:

At this stage, it is time to adapt the pipe that connects the water tank to the rest of the house: bathroom, kitchen and laundry, tanks, outdoor area, and other rooms. Insert a record in the output of the pipes.

For toilets with a flush tank, you can use ¾-inch tubing that comes out of the water tank. For models with pressure valves, prefer the l and ½ inch tube. The rest of the hydraulic system can be ¾” piping or you can reduce it to ½” on items such as the bathroom sink, washbasin, and bidet.

3. Sewer Pipes and Drains:

We have already covered the subject of piping in the topic above, but when we talk about how to make bathroom hydraulics, we have to consider the sewer piping and types of bathroom drain. All pipes, especially those for the floor, must be installed before finishing, that is, before installing floors, porcelain tiles, and bathroom linings.

Remember to connect these tubes to siphon drains that prevent the proliferation of bad odors from the sewage that comes out of this room in the house. In this topic some tips are also needed:

– place a layer of at least 8 cm of thin concrete on the floor to form the subfloor;

– the toilet must use 100 mm tubes;

4. Hydraulic Plant:

Just like the general plan of your house, also known as the architectural plan, the hydraulic plan is a project that allows the analysis of how the bathroom’s hydraulic installations will look. Tips to improve kitchen

It is critical to ensure that the placement of each item is in accordance with what you envisioned. In addition, it is a guide that records the communication between professionals who are helping the work, such as engineers, architects, bricklayers, and plumbers.

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