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Vehicle dry cleaning. Advantages and disadvantages of dry car washing.


Dry car washing is in great demand in the US. Now, this method of body cleaning is gradually coming to Russia. This solution saves time and money, but it also has some drawbacks.

The principle of dry car wash operation is the use of special chemicals and microfiber napkins. The product is designed to combat dirt, it also contains components that protect the body paint from negative effects.

When is it possible to use a dry-cleaning tunnel?

Although commercials are full of promises that even the dirtiest body can be thoroughly cleaned, we recommend using this method only if a small layer of dirt appears. Thicker layers are just unrealistic to wash off without using a certain amount of water.

Dry cleaning is a great option for keeping your car’s body clean between full washes. Do not think that a dry car wash can be a viable alternative to the conventional method of washing with water. Using chemicals and wipes won’t help if you need to thoroughly clean the inside of the wheel arches, underbody or wheels.


There are so many good reviews about this technology that many motorists think it’s all hype. In fact, dry cleaning still has certain advantages. You can really wash away dirt quickly. You can call specialists at the specified address or wash the car yourself right under the windows, you do not have to go anywhere.

Another advantage is the ability to polish the bodywork. To do this, a small layer of a product is applied to the surface, which protects the coating from the adhesion of dirt and small mechanical defects. These products are environmentally friendly.

Don’t forget that dry cleaning doesn’t require the use of water, so it can be done even in freezing weather. It is not necessary to dry the body and remove moisture residues from various openings, lock cylinders, door handles, etc. At the same time, experts note that for maximum effect in severe frosts, it is better to wash the car indoors.


Among the disadvantages of dry cleaning, we highlight the relatively high cost of cleaning products. They cost much more than the usual formulations used for washing with water. It is true that the chemical consumption is minimal, so it lasts a long time.

A serious drawback also lies in the impossibility of high-quality cleaning of a very dirty car body. You don’t even need to think about the wheels and the bottom of the car. Everything looks beautiful in advertising, but in reality, the situation is different. Sure, chemicals will handle all kinds of messes, but think about how many microfiber towels you need to change. This will significantly increase the cost of the procedure, which will already raise doubts about its feasibility.

If you understand how to dry car washing works, you can do it yourself. But you have to try very hard. That is why drivers often use the services of specialists, and this also negatively affects the cost of work.

How the technology works

The agent used to perform a dry car wash is contained in the spray bottle. There are usually two options for sale:

  • ready-to-use product;
  • concentrate to dilute with water.

The principle of operation is simple: we apply chemicals to the body part, wait and wipe it with a towel. The product contains around 20 components with lubricating properties. This provides good protection for the body lining against scratches, which often appear during normal washing.

Instructions for use

  1. First, you need to assess the degree of contamination of the car body. If you have large pieces of dirt, you should remove them under running water. Do not rely on the fact that you can cleanse the body of a thick layer of dirt with this technology. But the water consumption will obviously be less, compared to a normal sink. You will also need water to wash any dirty towels left over after a dry clean. Washing is simple: soak in hot water, add a little dishwashing detergent or liquid soap.
  2. The microfiber towel should be folded in four. As a result, you get 8 sides, which must be applied gradually.
  3. Shake the cleaner to mix well.
  4. Washing is done from top to bottom. It is recommended to start from the roof, moving on to windows, hood, trunk lid, doors, and bumpers.
  5. Large body parts (bonnet, roof) should preferably be divided into several segments and washed separately.
  6. Apply a sufficient quantity of product to the bodywork element so that the dirt is well saturated. There should be no dry areas. Wait for 10 to 20 seconds, apply the product to a towel and start cleaning the part.
  7. In the first stage, we clean the body part in the horizontal direction, practically without pressing. You should move slowly and only in one direction. Otherwise, it will just stir up the dirt. During the next pass, you should already be applying light pressure to the towel, which will help remove any remaining dirt particles. A good solution is the movement of the snake.
  8. After each step, remove the towel and open the clean side. After using each of the 8 sides, take a clean towel.
  9. After removing dirt, dry the surface of the part with a separate microfiber towel.
  10. It is not necessary to apply a lot of products to the glass since it contains wax, which can cause unsightly stains.
  11. The wheels should be washed with separate towels. Be aware of the presence of brake pad dust on the wheels, which can scratch the bodywork very quickly.

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