Top Ways to Write Effective Discussion Chapters
Effective Discussion Chapters

Writing discussion chapters is a vital part of the dissertation writing process. A dissertation is a long and highly researched piece of research and must be handled the right way if you want to succeed in class. After completing the introduction, you will have to work on the discussion chapters. Here the main discussion or debate regarding the research will take place. You will also outline the main goals and the approaches used for conducting research. You can also take help from a good dissertation writing service.
The most important thing you need to remember when working on the discussion is that your message must remain clear and lucid. When working on discussion chapters, you need to take care and present an engaging and interesting commentary that motivates the readers to go to the end and see what results have been derived. It is necessary to realize there is no perfect dissertation or no perfect discussion chapter. You can do your best and make the readers understand the facts and speculations and draw the right conclusions. Presented here are some top ways with the help which you can work on the discussion chapters most efficiently and hope to achieve the desired results:
1. Structuring of the Chapter:
Make sure that you are structuring the dissertation chapters from specific to general. It is best to expand and transition from the study’s narrow confines to the discipline’s general framework, as this is the right way to take the readers forward. They will better understand the content and move forward with what you are trying to explain.
Length of the Discussion Chapter:
The discussion should not be so lengthy that it begins to bore the readers, and it should not be too short to prevent the readers from understanding what you are trying to say and what you have done in this research project. The proper discussion chapters are short, to the point, and fully state, support, elaborate, and explain and defend the research conclusions.
1. Engaging Tone In The Chapter:
Work in such a way that you remain consistent with the same tone and attitude throughout the chapters. It gives a smooth flow to the content and makes it easy for readers to understand because too much change of tone or note can affect the readers’ understanding. They will not be able to keep up with what you are saying. It includes using the same key terms, the same tense, and the same point of view and means of addressing the readers.
2. Re-stating the Research Question:
Start the dissertation chapters by rewriting the research questions or putting them in a new way, or re-stating the hypothesis so that the readers do not forget what the paper is all about. They must understand why the dissertation is being written.
3. Guide the Readers:
After the research question, the main body of discussion comes up. This is important because the readers are being presented with so much information, and you must guide them in the right direction to make them understand and support these answers with the findings in the discussions.
4. Results and Study Expectations:
The discussion chapters can explain how the results relate to the expectations of the study and literature. It must clearly explain why these results are acceptable, how they fit in with the previously published knowledge on the subject, and what purpose they are serving.
5. Use proper Citations:
You must use relevant citations so that the teacher accepts them and you do not face any questions on the topic.
6. Research Results:
When working on the discussion chapter, it is necessary to pay attention to the research results. Regardless of whether the findings are statistically significant and if the results are expected or not. Your job is to explain what you have done and why? Present all the facts and details to the readers.
7. Defend Your Answer:
While writing the discussion, you must defend your answers and tell the readers what you have done and why. You can do this in two ways; you can either explain the validity of your answers or show the shortcomings of others’ answers. Your arguments and case will become strong and convincing if you present arguments from both sides. Give readers a chance to see what you have done and present to them the results obtained.
Writing the discussion chapters is no easy task; it is up to you to present the results of your study and conclusion in the most efficient to give readers a chance to see how hard you have worked. You need to present everything briefly but clearly and let the readers conclude.