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Top 16 Simple Ways to Get More YouTube Views in 2023

Knowing how to increase YouTube views is an essential ability that every creator needs within their arsenal. Because let’s face facts nobody would want to work for hours on an online video but then receive no views once they’ve hit publish.

If you’ve ever wondered, why do my hashtags for YouTube shorts videos not get views? This article is for you.

From creating more appealing thumbnails to creating click-worthy titles Here are 22 methods to increase the number of views for YouTube videos.

Simple Ways to Get More YouTube Views in 2023:

1. Focus on One YouTube Niche

It’s tempting to upload anything you like on YouTube including DIY hair tutorials to the latest cryptocurrency purchase. In the end, it’s your channel, so is there anything wrong with mixing different things from time? Viewers will come to appreciate your love of baseball, boba tea or trail running surely?

However, that’s not the way people think. They would like to watch videos that are tailored to their interests repeatedly again. To achieve that it’s best to identify the area of interest you’re most enthusiastic about and then begin making videos in that area.

2. Do Some Keyword Research Before Filming

Making viral videos can be difficult when you don’t know what people are looking in YouTube. The best method to get over this challenge is through thorough keyword research.

This process puts you in your viewers’ minds so that you can determine what they are planning to see and what keywords to target. Then Google’s engine for searching will be able to recognize the keywords and send your video to those who are searching for the same topics.

3. Write Powerful YouTube Video Titles

We haven’t yet gotten around to filming and that’s okay. A list of keywords that are strong and understanding your industry can help you to do other things to boost your visibility on YouTube by optimizing the titles of your videos.

4. Use Trending Topics to Get More Views

Are you aware of YouTube trends? If not, it’s time to begin because getting onto a topic that is trending is an excellent method to be a top performer on YouTube result pages.

The most important thing to making trendy videos is to know what topics to focus on. It is often about keeping your focus within the realm of your expertise so that your channel stays specific. Every video you share must be relevant to the people who watch it, regardless of whether it is viral or not.

Also, don’t fall for the trap of posting only current subjects. Still, you need to create content that is evergreen to provide long-term worth and to get consistent views. We suggest that you dedicate 10% to 20 per cent of your content to keep up with trends.

5. Create Attractive YouTube Thumbnails

Did you know that you have the ability to create custom thumbnails of any video once you have verified the authenticity of your channel on YouTube?

It’s true. There’s no need for millions of viewers, hours of watching time or a certain amount of videos to achieve this. 

Actually, your channel doesn’t need to be monetized. Starting from day one, you’ll be able to verify the number that is associated with your account and swiftly upload your own images.

6. Hook Viewers who have a Great Intro

The introduction to your video is essential. In thirty seconds of the video’s introduction, people determine whether they’ll either A) continue watching or) leave the video.

Being able to keep them on your watch will help you can earn more viewing time and that’s always wonderful. However, a more rewarding reward is satisfying viewers and ensuring they come back to provide you with more views.

7. Add YouTube Cards and End Screens to Your Videos

There are people who pay to view YouTube trending hashtags However, you shouldn’t do it at all times when YouTube cards and screens at the end are in place. These are the most effective tools to advertise your channel and they’re completely available for free.

Info cards are video-based notifications which recommend content that is related to viewers. This could be a YouTube video, playlist, additional channels you’ve developed, and even external links. If you’re looking to increase viewers, information cards that include playlists and videos are the most useful.

8. Create Playlists for Extra YouTube Views

Once you’ve got a big collection of content, you can begin organizing the videos into playlists.

These collections allow people to explore the subject in detail. For instance, a pet channel could include an episode titled “How to Teach the Sit Command to Dogs.”

We recommend making a “new to this channel” playlist prior to any other. Include videos that explain what your channel’s mission is Then, change the playlist’s position to one on the homepage of your channel. If you’re lucky that new viewers will be able to see the importance that your channel’s content.

9. Optimize Your Video Descriptions

Descriptions don’t get as much attention as thumbnails or the titles of your videos on your YouTube channel. But, you’ll need high-quality descriptions to make sure that you optimize your YouTube video to attract more viewers.

For the first time, keep your descriptions brief and concise. The description box can accommodate five thousand characters, users only read the first 157 characters. You must select “show more” to read the rest of the text.

10. Analyze Your YouTube Metrics

Contrary to what a lot of people believe that going viral is the fastest method to earn regular views on YouTube. In reality, that’s not a common occurrence for many people.

A better strategy is to look at the analytics of your channel to determine the video’s performance and focus on the things that work most of the time.

Everything you require is available all you need is available in The YouTube Studio. If you frequent the YouTube Studio then you’re familiar with this analytics page.

11. Create These 4 Videos to Boost YouTube Views

You are a tiny YouTube creator? Do you require more views at this moment?

Perfect. There are four kinds of YouTube videos that are loved by people. They’ll be a hit today as well as tomorrow and all time, so take advantage of these videos whenever you can.

12. Reach More Viewers by Captioning Your Videos

It’s time to be truthful concerning YouTube subtitles as well as autogenerated content. A lot of times they’re full of embarrassing mistakes that make the video difficult to understand. 

Sometimes, a speaker might speak on camera, however, YouTube will deliver a completely different message. This is a problem in the event that an estimated 38.2 million Americans older than 12 years old suffer from hearing loss of some kind.

If you’re looking to get viewers from all different walks of life, make the transcripts of your films. It is possible to outsource the work with transcription services such as Rev and Temi. Once you have an image caption file, head to YouTube Studio. YouTube Studio and attach it to your video prior to publishing.

13. Make Sure Video Embedding Is Enabled

The ability to let people embed your video online is a great method to increase YouTube views. It’s usually an option by default but it’s not a bad idea to double-check that you have the option turned on.

  1. Visit YouTube’s YouTube Studio and click Content in the navigation menu left.
  2. Move your mouse over an old video and then select the pencil icon (video information).
  3. Scroll down until you’ll see embedding options. Be sure to select Allow embedding has been selected.

14. Promote Your Channel on YouTube’s Community Tab

YouTube does a fantastic job of recommending video content to users.
However, sometimes your channel requires additional stimulation

That’s why YouTube Community comes in. The YouTube Community tab comes in very handy. The social network is accessible to anyone who has 500 or more users.

15. Collaboration with other creators to reach new audiences

YouTube collaborations are an excellent source to keep your channel relevant. If you’re attempting to brainstorm ideas on your own it’s easy to reach the wall and feel that there’s nothing worthwhile to record.

Two heads are better than one, according to the saying. Working with a creative partner relieves the pressure to know every answer. The true magic occurs when you and the creator create a joint video, as you basically have to exchange audiences. 

The creator of the other video introduces their followers to you while you introduce your viewers to the creator. Within a matter of minutes, you’ll have whole new viewers on your channel.

16. Try out YouTube Shorts to increase views

YouTube Shorts are videos that are vertical that last just a minute or less. And do you know what? They’ll increase your views. Short videos are similar to the kind of content that you encounter on TikTok short videos loop in a loop and generate thousands of hits.

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