The Principal Reasons for Insufficient Sleep
Several studies have linked insufficient sleep with a variety of negative health and social outcomes. Despite this, insufficient sleep is often overlooked by clinicians.
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It has been shown to contribute to a range of morbidities and add to the existing burden of diseases. Does this paper aim to provide an overview on the principal reasons for this? Insufficient sleep and treatments for it.
1. Stress
When our bodies encounter a threat, they release chemicals and hormones that prepare us for “fight or flight.” These include adrenaline and cortisol.
These hormones cause your heart to race, your breathing to speed up and your muscles to tighten. They also make your stomach feel uneasy and your skin tingle. This is an innate response to danger, and the feelings should pass shortly after the stressor is over.
However, chronic or repeated exposure to stress can lead to health problems such as anxiety, depression, and insomnia. It can disrupt many systems in the body, including the immune system and digestive and reproductive systems.
The best way to reduce the effects of stress is to identify and eliminate your primary sources of it. This may be something you can do on your own or with a support network.
A good way to do this is by keeping a stress journal, which can help you track your reactions to different triggers and determine what works best for you. Having a healthy sleep schedule, eating well and getting plenty of exercise are also important.
Another way to reduce the impact of stress is by learning coping skills and developing a supportive support network. People with strong support networks tend to have less stress, whereas those who are isolated or lonely often experience more stress.
If you are experiencing any symptoms that could be caused by stress, talk to your doctor. They will be able to tell you what is causing the stress and what steps you can take to manage it. This can be done through counseling or a combination of self-help techniques such as relaxation, exercise and diet.
2. Circadian Rhythm Disorder
The body operates on a 24-hour cycle of circadian rhythms that rely on environmental cues such as light and dark, meal timing, and physical activity. When the body’s internal clock is disrupted, it can lead to insufficient sleep.
Your internal clock is regulated by hormones that affect your alertness and sleep propensity, as well as your body temperature. When your body’s clock is out of sync with your external schedule, it can cause a range of problems, including fatigue, depression, and insomnia.
Circadian rhythm disorders are a group of conditions that involve dysfunctions or misalignments with the body’s internal clock. Treatments may include behavioral changes, medications, and light therapy.
Non-24-hour sleep-wake rhythm disorder (N24SWD) occurs when the body’s internal clock doesn’t reset every 24 hours, so your normal sleep and wake times continually drift later and later each day. These people have trouble adjusting to their schedules and may experience mood or personality changes.
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Symptoms may be worse for those who work shifts, or have certain other obligations that conflict with their normal sleep cycles. These problems can also be caused by brain damage, such as after a head injury.
Delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS) is a sleep disorder that causes you to fall asleep and wake up later than normal, usually in the late afternoon or evening. This can cause you to miss work, school, or social events and make it harder to get enough sleep.
Other factors that can increase your risk of developing a circadian rhythm disorder are chronic stress, poor sleep habits, and comorbid mental health disorders such as depression or anxiety. If you think you have a circadian rhythm disorder, talk to your doctor about the best treatment options.
3. Sleep Apnea
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common form of the condition. It causes breathing to stop and restart several times during the night, usually for just a few seconds at a time.
During these pauses, you can’t get enough oxygen into your bloodstream, which triggers a survival reflex that wakes you up to resume breathing–typically with a gasp or choking sound. That’s a problem because it prevents you from getting restful sleep, and it puts stress on your heart and other organs.
Treatment for sleep apnea can include changes to your lifestyle. These include avoiding smoking, alcohol, and certain medications, and making sure you’re getting enough physical activity. Also, using a mouthpiece or breathing machine can help you breathe more freely during sleep.
Your doctor may prescribe medications or surgery to treat your sleep apnea. These treatments can be used alone or in combination with other therapies.
A CPAP machine is the most common method for treating obstructive sleep apnea, but there are other devices that can work for some people. These devices use a hose to push pressurized air into your throat to keep your airway open as you inhale.
Other oral devices are also available, and they can be made to fit the shape of your mouth or lower jaw. They can be either acrylic or plastic, and they can be designed to move your lower jaw forward or backward during sleep.
The most important thing is to talk with your health care provider about the best treatment for your situation. Ultimately, you’ll need to make changes to your lifestyle and try new treatments until you find the one that works best for you.
4. Obesity
Obesity is a chronic disease that increases the risk of many serious health conditions, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Treatment can involve a combination of lifestyle changes, medication and specialized therapies for eating and weight loss.
In the United States, obesity rates have risen dramatically over the past 30 years. More than a third of adults are overweight or obese, and more than one in five children and teens are overweight or obese. Rates are higher for certain racial and ethnic groups, and in rural areas of the country.
There are several reasons why people gain excess weight, including eating patterns and physical activity levels. Social determinants of health, genetics, and taking certain medications also contribute.
Among the most common causes of obesity are diets high in sugars and fats, sedentary living habits, and the lack of physical activity. These factors are referred to as the dietary and lifestyle factors of obesity (DMF).
It is estimated that the number of people with obesity has increased by almost 50% in recent decades. This has led to an increase in obesity-related illnesses and diseases.
Some studies have shown that the level of liquid fructose in beverages, which is a source of sugar, affects lipid and glucose metabolism and leads to fatty liver and metabolic syndrome in humans. These diseases are a major cause of premature death in the U.S.
Other factors that lead to insufficient sleep are poor daytime habits, such as drinking too much caffeine, watching television or using a computer before bed, and having an unfavorable sleep environment. Shift work, for example, can disrupt your circadian rhythms and interfere with your ability to sleep well.
5. Infections
Infections are caused by germs, and they can affect your entire body. They may be viruses, bacteria or parasites.
Viruses are tiny bits of information (DNA or RNA) inside of a protective shell (capsid). They can get into your cells and use them to reproduce, causing infections.
Bacteria are also tiny, single-celled microorganisms that live on the surface of your body and in your intestines. They help you digest your food, but they can cause infection if they are not treated quickly.
Some infections can be spread from person to person by coughing, sneezing or sharing contaminated objects like utensils or drinking glasses. Others are transmitted from animals to people, such as hepatitis B, rabies and toxoplasmosis.
The simplest way to prevent an infectious disease is to wash your hands thoroughly and often. This also includes using the toilet properly.
Other ways to avoid spreading an infection include getting vaccinated or staying away from infected people or places, such as schools or hospitals. Vaccines can protect against many common diseases, including the flu, measles, hepatitis A and swine flu.
Another method to prevent some infections is by avoiding contact with infected animals and handling their waste. Infected animal faces can linger on surfaces, such as doorknobs and faucet handles.
Germs can also be passed from a mother to her baby through the placenta or through breast milk. These can be especially dangerous for pregnant women who have certain infections.
Once an infection is diagnosed, the doctor can prescribe medication to relieve symptoms and strengthen your immune system against the organism. Medications are not always effective against all germs, and some can become less effective over time.