Schools Water Testing Improves Water Quality

Providing students, teachers, and staff with clean water are crucial to running a healthy school. This article explores the importance of schools’ water testing for quality and access. It identifies three key issues many schools around the nation currently face. We also provide five measures schools can take to address these issues.
Water is a vital element for all life forms.
We need water that doesn’t have any inorganic, organic, or biological waste to maintain our health. Even though we are mostly water.
Water makes up more than half of adult’s weight. It can still get pollute and harm us and the environment. These contaminants can be poisonous, even in small doses, negatively affecting our quality of life.
The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) protects people from water contamination by setting national health-based standards for drinking water. However, the EPA estimates that approximately 98,000 public schools and 500,000 childcare facilities are not regulate under the SDWA.
Schools water testing in New York for quality is voluntary, so many unregulated schools and childcare facilities may need to do it.
Causes of Water Pollution
Although we have made significant advancements in water treatment technologies. It is still difficult to guarantee that everyone can drink through schools’ water testing. One reason is that conventional water treatment systems do not permanently remove contaminants effectively.
Moreover, pollution from industry and agriculture isn’t the only thing that can contaminate drinking water. Distribution systems to keep it safe can also introduce pollutants into the water supply. Due to the constant changes and updates in water contamination knowledge, it can be difficult for enrichment regulations always to be current.
Students Constantly Address Schools Water Testing Challenges
Although water quality in the U.S. is substantially better when stacked up against other countries, there are still several risks for contamination. The American Society of Civil Engineers graded U.S. drinking water infrastructure as a “D” in 2017, which means it is old and decaying.
The EPA believes that $743 billion would improve our nation’s water infrastructure nationwide. In fact, since 1982, up to 28% of Americans have been affected by water that does not meet SDWA health-based water quality standards set by the EPA.
Schools’ Most Frequent Water Quality and Access concerns.
Lack of clean drinking water is a problem.
Students must have access to clean water supported by schools water testing to help them increase their water consumption and stay hydrated throughout the day. While maintaining good physical health is essential, adequate hydration may also improve cognitive function in students.
One study found that just 2% dehydration (classified as mild to moderate dehydration) can impair performance in tasks requiring attention, psychomotor, and immediate memory skills.
A study done on 84% of students in Sardina, South Italy, who were aged 9-11, found that those who were mildly dehydrated at the beginning of the school day had a decrease in their short-term memory.
Though the USDA demands that schools with the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program make free water available to kids. This is during meals; many campuses still lack accessible, clean water. Studies demonstrate that problems can occur due to:
- too few or improperly located drinking fountains
- broken or unmaintained water fountains
- inadequate water quality
A study in 2016 of 59 middle schools and high schools in Massachusetts. It found that less than half the schools met the federal requirement for free water access. Especially during lunch under the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act.
Over half (59%) completed the state plumbing code specification for a minimum number of water sources. This was as per a given number of students. Although, on average, each school provided at least one water source per 75 students. Almost a third of these sources were broken or appeared dirty.
Lead detected through schools water testing
Pipes made of lead often corrode and leach into the water, which can be dangerous if consumed. Young children more vulnerable to lead exposure than adults. Because it leads to physical and behavioral effects occurring at lower exposure levels.
Rare cases of lead exposure can cause comas or seizures. While lower levels have been linked more often to decreased IQs, slowed growth, hyperactivity, and anemia in children.
According to the Nutrition Policy Institute at the University of California, 12% (57,152) of water samples are from 12 states. They had lead concentrations that surpassed each state’s action level. In comparison, 44% (4,777) of schools tested in those states exceeded one or more water sample test results above action levels.
Bacterial contaminants found through schools water testing
Using water regularly helps to avoid water stagnation by introducing new water and disinfectant substances. However, many school buildings have gone for prolonged periods without using much water for various reasons.
This includes the Covid-19 pandemic shutdowns. Furthermore, schools generally need to check or flush their pipes more often, which helps remove stagnant water from interior plumbing. Stagnant Water can provide a breeding ground and means of transportation for harmful bacteria, making it unsafe to drink or use.
In August 2020, nine schools in Ohio and Pennsylvania detected Legionella bacteria in their water supply. If tiny drops of water containing the bacteria are inhaled, they can cause Legionnaires disease—a severe form of pneumonia.
How to Ensure Water Quality and Access in Schools
Regular schools water testing for quality
Regular Schools water testing is essential for students to access safe drinking water. In 2018, lead testing programs for school drinking water were active in 24 U.S. states and the District of Columbia.
Regular maintenance
Keeping water fountains clean and appealing makes students more likely to use them, which helps reduce the spread of bacteria. Furthermore, fountains need maintenance to ensure they are in proper working order when you want quality for schools water testing.
You can remove different contaminants and improve your water quality by filtering water. For example, activated carbon filters target chemicals, while KDF filters help reduce dissolved metals. The placement of water filters also needs to be considered.
They can either be installed at point-of-entry (POE, which treats all incoming water to the building) or point-of-use (POU, treating water specifically at one location). Consider your school’s specific water quality concerns when choosing a filter.
Water softening
Excess minerals in the water, such as calcium, can sometimes taste foul and cause children to drink less. Water softeners remove these minerals and improve the taste of water.
Improving access to school’s water testing
Access to clean drinking water is a necessity for students during school hours. Depending on the needs of each school, some may require more water fountains, coolers, bottle refilling stations, etc. School administrators must not only be aware of state and district policies related to water accessibility.
But they must also look closely at their school’s current water situation. If schools provide cups, then students will drink more water.
Consequently, to increase the number of water Students consume, schools should consider endorsing refillable water bottles and opt for schools water testing. They should also offer cups for those who do not have refillable water bottles.
Final words:
With schools water testing for quality, we can ensure that our children are drinking clean and safe water. This is an essential step in ensuring their health and well-being. Join us in calling on school districts to test the water quality in their schools. The health of our future depends on the actions we take today.