Health and Fitness

Polycystic Kidney Disease Natural Remedies to Reduce Symptoms

Natural Remedies for Polycystic Kidney Disease can be a very effective option to reduce the symptoms of the infection.

What is Polycystic Kidney Disease

Numerous cysts (fluid-filled sacs) develop in the kidneys as a result of a set of chronic kidney illnesses called polycystic kidney disease (PKD). The most prevalent genetic kidney disease, PKD is also a major contributor to chronic renal disease.

Both of your kidneys will be damaged if you have PKD, but one kidney may develop cysts more quickly than the other. Your kidneys gradually enlarge as the cysts spread, reducing the amount of healthy renal tissue. Your kidneys have a tougher time performing as intended as a result.

As a result of PKD, some persons experience high blood pressure and kidney failure. Males and females are equally affected by PKD, and depending on the kind, cysts can develop at any age.

As people age, it’s not unusual for them to acquire simple kidney cysts. Simple cysts appear in about 50% of adults over 50. These cysts are not inherited, and most people do not need to be treated. The genetic cyst illness known as PKD will be covered in this fact sheet.

Polycystic kidney disease diagnosis

Autosomal recessive PKD’s severe symptoms typically lead to an early diagnosis. However, for many years there are no symptoms of autosomal dominant PKD in the majority of patients.

Blood and urine tests as well as physical examinations may not always reveal the condition. It is frequently found when treating other medical conditions, like urinary tract infections. Sometimes the illness isn’t identified until the kidneys start to fail.

Several tests, such as the following, may be used to diagnose PKD:

Physical examination: can identify signs of enlarged kidneys or high blood pressure.

testing of the blood to determine kidney function

pee tests: the urine may include blood, protein, or both.

Ultrasound is a quick, painless examination that can detect even tiny cysts.

Genetic testing is not a common test, although it can be used for testing within a family. With the aid of specific blood tests, the existence of the aberrant genetic material can be identified. Affected spouses can access genetic counseling.

Polycystic kidney disease treatment

There is currently no treatment for PKD. However, some of the consequences of PKD can be lessened or avoided with early detection and treatment.

The following are typical complications and their treatments:

high blood pressure: It’s crucial to control high blood pressure. An antihypertensive prescription is possible.

Kidney stones, bleeding, or infection may all be the cause of your pain. The cause will determine the course of treatment. If you experience frequent or excruciating headaches, back discomfort, or pain in your kidneys, consult your doctor. Cysts can occasionally be drained to ease excruciating leg and back pain.

pee containing blood: fluids, analgesics, antibiotics, and bed rest may be advised

Urinary tract infections can cause fever, painful urination, and frequent urine. Talk to your doctor right away about receiving antibiotic therapy. The kidneys may get infected if a urinary tract infection is not addressed.

Dialysis, a method to eliminate waste materials and excess water from the body by filtering the blood through a specific membrane, is used to treat renal failure. Another option for treatment is a kidney transplant. In the kidney that was transplanted, PKD does not recur.


PKD is a hereditary condition. This indicates that it is inherited genetically from parents to offspring. PKD comes in two different forms.

Adult PKD, or autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), affects 90% of those with PKD. The remaining 10% have babies and children-specific autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD).

When one parent passes the gene to a kid, it results in ADPKD, also known as adult PKD. If one parent has PKD, there is a 50% risk that the child will also get the condition because the gene is dominant. However, this type of PKD can occasionally develop spontaneously as a result of a novel genetic mutation and is not inherited from the parents.

The rarer variant of PKD is called ARPKD. When both parents are “silent carriers,” ARPKD results. This indicates that although the parents have the gene, they are not PKD-affected. A kid born to parents who are both carriers has a 25% chance of contracting the illness. Children won’t be harmed if just one parent possesses the gene.

Symptoms and Consequences

Each kidney, which is about the size of a fist, has three main functions:

eliminating waste from the body and preventing poisons from accumulating in the blood

generating hormones that control many bodily processes, such as blood pressure management and red blood cell production.

controlling the amounts of minerals or electrolytes (such as sodium, calcium, and potassium) and fluid in the body

Early PKD typically has no symptoms. Most patients with PKD never have symptoms and never receive a diagnosis. Typically, those who experience symptoms are between the ages of 30 and 40. Infections, cyst swelling, or the body’s inability to get rid of dangerous poisons that are floating about in circulation are all directly linked to the symptoms.

Natural Remedies for Polycystic Kidney Disease

Please don’t panic if you frequently experience kidney pain or, worse, if you have kidney stones; instead, read the Natural Remedies for Polycystic Kidney Disease immediately below. Have faith in nature’s healing abilities.


In addition to being a tasty spice used in many cuisines, garlic is a herb that has been used medicinally for a very long time. Garlic has anti-cancer compounds that protect solid cells from damage caused by free radicals. Garlic has antimicrobial capabilities, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, and it has also been shown to decrease blood pressure. According to the renal and urologic ailments clearinghouse, regulating your blood pressure can slow the progression of PKD even when polycystic kidney disease does not result in hypertension. Two 200 mg garlic tablets, taken three times daily, or 2 to 4 grams of fresh garlic are the recommended dosages of garlic for therapeutic purposes. Before using this supplement, be sure it is okay for you to consume. These conditions worked well as constituents in herbal treatments for polycystic kidney disease.


Effective and beneficial Herbal Supplements for Polycystic Kidney Disease include dandelion, garlic, and ava ursi. The herb dandelion is loaded with nutrients and healing abilities. According to UMMC, dandelion has traditionally been used to treat kidney disease. It functions as a diuretic, speeding the kidneys’ removal of waste products. The decoction, tincture, or powdered concentrate of this herb can all be consumed. The leaves are used for renal and diuretic purposes; a common dosage is 500 mg of the leaf-powdered concentrate, one to three times daily. Consult your doctor to be sure it’s okay for you to use dandelion supplements before you do so.

Uva Ursi

Another natural herb for treating polycystic kidney disease is uva ursi, also known as bearberry or rock berry. For centuries, this herb has been used to treat urinary tract infections. This is especially important because polycystic kidney disease patients may also suffer from urinary tract infections, and uva ursi’s antibacterial properties make it a potential option as a polycystic kidney disease herbal treatment. Because urinary tract infections can spread to kidney growths, treating urinary tract disease will stop polycystic kidney disease from getting better.

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