Is erectile dysfunction a physical condition? Or is it a symptom of something else? This article will explain the difference between erectile dysfunction and other health conditions. In addition to its physical cause, erectile dysfunction can be a sign of cardiovascular disease, STIs, or even cardiovascular disease.
Erectile dysfunction is a physical cause of erections
Erectile dysfunction is caused by a variety of conditions, including age, certain medical conditions, and stress. In addition, erectile dysfunction can also be caused by certain substances or medications, which can affect the body’s ability to erect.
The first thing to know about ED is how much it can impact a man’s quality of life and his ability to engage in sexual activity. For a man with ED, the loss of sexual pleasure can cause him to avoid sexual situations altogether. Sexual activity can become very frustrating for him and his partner. A doctor can help you find a treatment like Vidalista 80 Medicine that improves erectile function and your overall circulatory health.
It can be a sign of health problems
Although men may occasionally have a problem getting an erection, if it occurs frequently and causes discomfort, he may have erectile dysfunction. While it is not a disease, ED is a symptom of a more serious condition. Men may experience difficulty with erections because of anxiety, stress, or fatigue. If you suffer from erectile dysfunction, consult a doctor right away. Medications such as a Vidalista 60 and surgery are available to treat ED.
Medical conditions, such as vascular disease, may also be the cause of ED. Other medical conditions affecting the blood vessels and heart, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, can also lead to ED. A doctor can perform tests to find the cause of ED and recommend treatment if needed. If you notice symptoms, it’s worth visiting your doctor. Your doctor can also rule out other underlying problems.
It can be a symptom of STIs
Some STIs can cause symptoms such as erectile dysfunction, but not everyone with an STI has symptoms. You may not even realize that you have an STI until you experience symptoms such as erectile dysfunction. If you do, your doctor may suggest a test to check for STIs. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are bacterial infections of the genital tract. They can be transmitted during sexual intercourse between two people without the symptoms of infection. You may experience mild symptoms of erectile dysfunction, but it is still a good idea to be tested for them.
Some of these medications can cause erectile dysfunction. Certain anti-depressants, antihistamines, and even certain types of blood pressure medications can cause erectile dysfunction. However, other medications, including those for acid reflux, pain medication, and anti-inflammatory drugs, can also cause erectile dysfunction. Therefore, if you think that you may have erectile dysfunction after starting a new medication, talk with your doctor. In addition, recreational drugs like alcohol can also cause erectile dysfunction.
It can be a symptom of cardiovascular disease
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in men and women alike. Symptoms and risk factors for heart disease vary from person to person, but ED in men is often a sign of cardiovascular disease. Other factors that may cause erectile dysfunction in men include the use of birth control pills, emotional stress, and hormonal changes. Erectile dysfunction in women may also be the result of depression.
A recent study has examined the relationship between erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular disease among men. While traditional risk factors such as smoking and hypertension are linked to cardiovascular disease, incident erectile dysfunction doubles the risk for the same heart condition. However, there is no conclusive proof to support this claim. More research is needed to confirm whether erectile dysfunction can be a risk factor for heart disease.
It can be a symptom of diabetes
Although diabetes does not cause ED, it does increase a man’s risk of developing this problem. It’s also associate with other conditions, including alcohol consumption, ageing, and drugs. The condition is often mistak for a sexually transmitted disease, but it is not. Another possible cause is thrush, a fungal infection that affects the penis. Having diabetes increases the risk of thrush because the sugar in the urine provides a perfect breeding ground for thrush bacteria.
To get and keep an erection, men need healthy blood vessels and nerves. Diabetes damages these blood vessels and nerves, which is why a man’s ability to achieve and maintain a firm erection becomes a problem. In some cases, diabetes can cause a man to lose his desire to have sexual intercourse. Fortunately, diabetes can be managed and reverse.