Health and Fitness

How to Prevent & Treat Erectile Dysfunction


How to Prevent & Treat Erectile Dysfunction & Men’s Libido with Vitamins and Minerals

In previous articles that we can stimulate your brain with physical or mental stimulation, your brain sends signals to the nerve that is located within the penis area to produce Nitric Oxide. Nitric oxide is a dilation or relaxation of blood vessels, allowing the vessels to expand and bringing greater blood supply to the penis, creating an erection. If you have suffering erectile problems, so you try Cenforce 100 and Cenforce 200 medicines. it is the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction in men.

This article we’ll look at ways to treat and prevent the problem of erectile dysfunction using minerals and vitamins.

1. Vitamin A

The gonads are commingled gland that performs both endocrine and exocrine functions. They require adequate amounts of vitamin A to create gametes that aid in maintaining the hormones that regulate sexual activity in both women and men. It also assists in maintaining eyesight, skin membranes, and immune function, as well as healthy numbers of sperm.

2. B complex

B complex is a key ingredient in increasing testosterone levels which is the main fuel for the sexual drive of both women and men. It helps to maintain our thyroid and nervous system, and adrenal glands healthy. Vitamin B6 assists in the production and maintain the sexual hormones in our body. Unbalanced levels of B complex in our bodies can cause over-production of testosterone or estrogen, resulting in liver cirrhosis and enlarged adrenal glands, kidney damage and hyperplasia, nodules, and nodules.

3. Vitamin C

Recent studies indicate that vitamin C combined along with other vitamins aids the L-enantiomer ascribe acid to regulate stress reactivity prolactin release and anxiety. It also increases vascular function as well as enhances the release of oxytocin. These processes are important to sexual activity and mood. Also, it keeps our skin soft and smooth and helps to prevent miscarriages. It also prevents sperm from sticking together in impermeable clusters and allows you to have longer-lasting, more intense orgasms.

4. Vitamin E

The hormones in these men’s bodies regulate sexual desires as well as erectile functions. Vitamin E includes oestrogenic, androgenic hormones that interact with testosterone and ovarian hormones. If an individual’s erectile disorder is due to heart disease, the vitamin can help to increase blood vessels in the penis. It also assists the blood carry more oxygen, feeds the pituitary gland as well as prevents testosterone from degrading in males. Nuts and seeds, whole grain fruit as well as vegetables all are excellent sources of Vitamin E.

5. Mineral salts

Minerals salt are essential for the body’s function in the right amounts. The decrease in sodium chloride causes the reduction of cellular and blood volume afflictions during kidney diseases. If the problem with kidneys is not treated it can result in erectile dysfunction.

6. Zinc

Zinc is essential to producing testosterone. The prostate gland is awash with significant amounts of zinc which assist in regulating prostatic fluids as well as the generation of semen. Insufficient zinc can cause problems with growth, infertility, and impotence.

7. Selenium

Aids in increasing the sex drive and male potency. Selenium deficiencies can cause the testis to shrink and decrease testosterone levels due to selenium and glutathione peroxidase.

8. Calcium and Magnesium

Calcium is also a key nutritional component in sexual function. It helps keep the connection between the brain and the hormonal glands and their mechanical functions functioning. Magnesium functions as an inhibitor of calcium channels and neutralize adverse effects caused by calcium on maintaining a sexual erection.

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