How to perform Umrah?

Performing Umrah is one of the topmost blessings of Allah (SWT). If you have made up your mind to perform Umrah, do not take the opportunity for granted. You should recognize and appreciate the fact that Allah has selected you as one of the few to receive this honour. Be thankful to Allah for giving you this chance and putting you in a position to afford it. “How to perform Umrah?” Let’s throw a detailed light on the topic.
In Islam, Umrah is visiting the Holy Kaaba in Makkah to complete the lesser pilgrimage. Umrah is an Arabic word that implies “a visit”. It is an act of worship based on the Prophet of Allah’s teachings. Once you have made the decision, it is time to make plans for how you’re going to make the most of it. To receive the greatest benefits and rewards you should be aware of the correct Umrah procedure.
Major steps of Umrah
Umrah has its four significant steps, without them, Umrah cannot be completed. These steps are also known as the rituals of Umrah.
- Ihram
- Tawaf
- Sa’i
- Halq/Taqsir
Step 1: Ihram
Ihram is the first ritual for anyone who intends to make the Umrah. When performing Umrah, pilgrims must enter and remain in the state of Ihram. Your Umrah won’t be accepted before Allah if you don’t wear Ihram.
Two sheets of white colour are the Ihram dress, especially for men. Yes, these two sheets may be available in different materials depending on the season and price, but the use of silk cloth is forbidden for men. Ihram’s garment has two pieces of white cloth. The cloak covering the upper part is called ‘Rida’ and the lower one is called ‘Izar’. There is no special Ihram dress for women because only their Shariah clothes are their Ihram.
Prohibitions of Ihram
- Using perfume or fragrance
- Wearing sewn/stitched clothes and shoes
- Hunting
- Killing insects
- Cutting nails and hair
- Intercourse or sexual activity
- Wearing makeup
- Covering face and head
Make Umrah Niyyah
Niyyah for Umrah or Ihram must be made prior while crossing one of the Miqat. In Islam, Niyyah is the making intention to perform any act to carry out the deed for Allah (SWT). A person gets a reward based on his Niyyah. You can not only say the words of Niyyah aloud during the Umrah, but you can also do so in your heart.
If any of you book Saudi Airlines during Umrah packages, there is a space to pray and wear Ihram.
Step 2: Tawaf
Ṭawaf consists of seven turns of circles around the Kaaba, which is one of the obligatory rituals of Umrah. For performing Tawaf one must be in the state of Wudu. Important points to be noted for Tawaf:
- Start Tawaf from Hajar-e-Aswad
- Offer the specific Dua
- Tawaf should be in the anti-clockwise direction
- Tawaf will be ended in Hajar-e-Aswad
- One can perform Tawaf by “Raml” Sunnah
Tawaf is not only worship but also an act of worship that brings the pilgrim closer to Allah. It shows the unity of God’s believers and servants who visit the house of the Lord from all over the world.
Salah al-Tawaf
After completion of Tawaf, this refers to the two Rakats of Salah that must be offered. Although, it is ideal to perform this Salah close to Maqam-e-Ibrahim. It might not be possible because the location is inside the Mataf. However, you are free to pray this Salah anywhere in the Masjid al-Haram.
Drink Zamzam water
After completing Salah Al-Tawaf, proceed to drink Zamzam water dispensers in Al-Haram mosque. You can find these Holy water dispensers anywhere in the Grand Mosque.
Step 3: Sa’i
Sa’i is a required step in Umrah, just like Tawaf. It involves making seven times a walk back and forth between the hills of Safa and Marwah. Indeed, these are the names of two hills that are situated in Makkah. Muslims walk seven times between the hills of Safa and Marwah, which one walk means walking from one hill to another. These two mounts are adjacent to the sacred Mosque (Masjid al-Haram).
The approximate time of Sa’i
Pilgrims should perform Dua’s while performing Sa’i. The distance between Safa and Marwah is about 450 meters. So the seven rounds of Sa’i between the two hills is a total of about 3.15 km. This ritual is also a constant reminder to the devotee of hard work.
Read also: How to perform winter Umrah 2022 from UK
Step 4: Halq/Taqsir
To leave the stage of Ihram, pilgrims must complete this activity after doing Tawaf. Halq practice includes shaving the head completely during Umrah. This act is compulsory only for men. There are several good barber shops in Makkah. If you have no hair to complete the ritual you must have to shave your head with a razor.
Advised women to cut their hair while Umrah. Taqsir is the wajib (compulsory) act for ladies that must be done to leave the state of Ihram. It is related to cutting hair. Women should cut their hair equal to one inch or a fingertip.
Ending Umrah
After completing Halq or Taqsir, you can leave Ihram. Now, you will not have to follow the associated prohibitions after removing Ihram. It includes wearing perfume, getting nails cut, having intercourse, etc. Wearing regular clothes is valid now. You can do the Nafl Tawaf without the Ihram condition. Performing prayers is also allowable.
How long does it take to perform Umrah?
Umrah can be completed in 5 to 6 hours because there are only four rituals involved: Ihram, Tawaf, Sa’i, and Halq or Taqsir (shaving the head hairs or cutting the hair). Except for the Ihram, all three of the last rituals are carried out in Masjid al-Haram.
What Duas you will recite during Umrah?
You will make the following Duas in your Holy pilgrimage:
- Dua for your travelling or journey
- Beginning of Ihram Dua
- Talbiyah
- Praying for Tawaf
- Dua to drink Zamzam water
- Dua for Sa’i
- Perform Dua for leaving the mosque
To summarize, the four main components of Umrah are entering the Ihram, performing Tawaf and Sa’i, and doing Halq or Taqsir. You must focus on these when learning how to perform Umrah.
Before one of the Miqat, you will also perform two Rakats of Salah and make the Niyyah of your Umrah. Tawaf should be performed according to the rules so that your Umrah will be perfected. Additionally, two Rakats of Salah should be offered, ideally close to Maqam-e-Ibrahim. Sa’i will be performed between the hills of Safa and Marwah. When you leave Ihram and finish your Umrah, Halq or Taqsir (the shaving or shortening of hair) is the final step.
While performing Umrah, pilgrims focus on being close to Allah and seeking His pleasure, leaving aside material desires. Their priorities shift to more general concerns. But after returning from Umrah, this routine changes, and they are again inclined towards materialism. Pilgrims should try to keep themselves as they were in Makkah.