How To Lower Your BMI In Days!

If your BMI (weight to height ratio) is anywhere around 25.5 or higher, then you are overweight and are in dire need of a good weight loss plan. But we know that coming up with an effective weight loss plan is easier said than done! Yeni Havaalanı kullanıma açılmasıyla arnavutköy escort kadınlarına gereksinim olacak. If you have obesity-related medical conditions then you have to consult your primary care doctor to help you lower your weight.
On the other hand, if you are just looking for some easy steps to follow at home, here are the 7 best tips to lose weight and lower your BMI in days! So let’s get started!
7 Best Ways To Lower Your BMI
- Set Attainable Goals
The first step towards lowering your BMI and your weight is to set realistic, attainable goals for yourself. Why? Because the more attainable your goals are, the faster you will reach them, and the more motivated you remain to keep working to reach your ultimate goal.
For example, start by focusing on stopping your weight gain. Then move on to losing just 5% of your weight. Then increase it to another 5% and so on till you reach your goal. These small seemingly insignificant steps will help you stay motivated while showing visible improvement like improvement of blood pressure, lowering the risk of diabetes, and other similar diseases.
- Continuously Monitor Yourself
Continuously monitoring yourself is a great way to keep track of your progress. Check up on your weight every other week to see how much you have lost. These positive results will encourage you to keep working harder, thus increasing your chances of attaining your ultimate goal.
You should also monitor what you eat every day. This will help you count calories at the end of the day, check any weaknesses, include new food items, and cut out any unnecessary calories. This will also help you track if there are any unhealthy habits like midnight snacking that are stopping your proper weight loss.
- Try Proper Meal Planning – Consult Primary Care Doctor
Following a detailed meal plan is crucial to the success of any BMI lowering and weight loss initiative. And by meal plan we do not mean crash diets – those are extremely unhealthy for your body and can lead to severe complications later on. The healthy way to plan is to count your nutrition, restrict calories, and include every food type in a moderate amount.
The best meal plan will exclude every form of high-calorie junk food. Instead, it will include more protein, more fruits and vegetables, complex carbohydrates, beans, seeds, and nuts into your meal plan. Also, try drinking at least 3 liters of water daily to maintain a healthy digestive system.
- Regular Exercise
The best way to lower your BMI and your weight (apart from a healthy diet) is to exercise regularly. This implies around 150 minutes of moderate exercise every week or for more experienced people, 75 mins of intense cardio. However, if you are a beginner, it is perfectly fine to start slow and steady – get in an hour of moderate workout every day and you are good to go! You can even take part in other activities like swimming, biking, or walking to burn off calories.
- Get Help
If you are walking on your weight loss journey alone, chances are that you will get demotivated very fast and leave the routine halfway through. So, to maintain a disciplined routine, get help from your friends and family. Ask them to work out with you to have a sense of belonging. You can even join weight loss programs online or offline.
- Talk To Your Doctor and seek Primary Care
Sometimes basic exercise and diet changes might not be enough to help you lose weight. While some people might be able to lower their BMI with just basic medications, people with obesity-related problems like heart disease and diabetes might face more problems while losing weight. So in such a scenario, the best option is to contact one’s primary care doctor to discuss higher-level medication or surgery for ultimate weight loss.
- Stay Motivated
Last but not least, the main goal throughout your regime should be to stay motivated. Small unnoticeable changes can make huge differences down the line and so you have to keep going to reach your final goal! Make some space for new habits, tweak your lifestyle a little, and you are ready for your fitness journey! You can even celebrate your little goals to keep yourself motivated throughout the entire journey!
Losing weight and lowering your BMI can take a little time. But trust us, it’s nothing that a little planning and discipline won’t fix! So go to Urgent Care Texas today, talk to your doctor, plan out your routine, and get started on your journey towards a healthy life! All the best!