How to have a healthy life: 6 tips

In today’s generation or young couples, sex life is most important common thing to discuss about. Sex is always not about having satisfaction or intercourse intimacy. It is about your partner’s feelings and emotions also. There are many steps or key changes that lead toward a healthy sex life. Healthy sex life includes many things like communication among partners, their intimacy, their satisfaction level moves etc. Healthy sexual life also concern with overall emotions, physical appearance, mood, mental health of a person.
Communication is lead key
Communication is a great part of sexual life. It helps to learn about sexual Interest, partner’s satisfaction, how they feeling during sex, what they need. Having an open conversation among partner can lead to have a great intimacy during intercourse.
Tips that partners/ a person must follow to lead a healthy sex life:-
Proper education related to health and sex life
There is large amount of information available regarding every aspect of sexual life and sexual issues. You can get it from many books, magazines or in short you can search your issue information on browsers like Google, chrome etc. There is plenty of information available. To lead a healthy sex life, it is necessary to have a good communication between you and your partner. It lets you know about underlying issue and problems which can be feeling by your partner during sex.
Give time to yourself and your partner
As you grow old, sexual activities and sexual arousal, orgasm takes a longer time. It is natural, as person grows old, due to hormonal changes in body, he/she takes extra time to the aroused. So, take time to think about your body’s physical needs and orgasm. It is good to take time about sex rather than having a bad output during intercourse. Learning is also a key. Learning new things about sex with partner allows you explore new criteria.
When having sex, use lubricants or creams
When you are having sex, make sure use of lubrication for a healthy passage. Lubricants available as water soluble agents or silicone based. It helps in having a smooth sex. Without using lubricant, your female partner can suffer from painful sex due to dryness and acidic ph. of vagina after their menstruation. So, ok keep a healthy and satisfying sex among both partner, do use lubrications.
Sensual touching with your partner
To know your arousal points, ask your partner to do physical touch. This physical touch process also let you know about to how much pressure and force should be put during sexual sensations.
For a great healthy sexual life, get any help regarding your health when you in need
As in today’s generation; stress, anxiety, depression are common things that can affect their health and sex life also. Like all these, a person can also have anatomical deformation in genitals, or having a problem of premature ejaculation, or having problem in penis erection, or having improper sex output.
Like diseases of all other systems, all mentioned problems like ED, BPH, and premature ejaculation also need proper medical care in time to opt out all these symptoms.
There are many medications, pills, jelly is available in market or sources like online website from which a person can easily order them and treat his/her sexual problem by consulting doctor. Some of popular medications are:-
Cenforce D contains Sildenafil citrate as main component, it enhances blood volume to genitals and make penis erectile. Treats ED. Vidalista 80 contains Tadalafil as active component, which helps in increasing blood flow and relaxing smooth muscles. Treats symptoms like ED, BPH. Fildena 200 also contains Sildenafil citrate as chief ingredient, treat sexual impotency in males. Kamagra oral jelly is flavored oral jelly available in single use pack at a time. Contains Sildenafil citrate. Treats sexual impotence and erectile issues of penis by enhancing blood supply to penile tissues.
If you think that your sexual issue is more related toward emotion and feelings, you can take session from a sex therapist. Session will help you to know about from what emotional you are suffering from and how to get over from these.
Try different moves and positions during sexual intercourse
A Person can feel uninterested or boring by having sex or same moves during intercourse. Do try different moves and positions during sex. Try to maintain physical body affection with your partner. Do engage in kissing or cuddling or orgasm when you meet random. These all help to create a physical and emotional affection between you and your partner.
To lead a healthy sexual life, a person should follow all healthy diet, say no to smoking, and say no to alcohol and liquors. All these things can lead to stress or anxiety, which lead to poor sexual life.
Do practise of exercise (kegel exercise) and yoga to keep your body in maintained position. Yoga and physical exercise help to broaden up pelvic floor muscles and genital muscles which are used during sex. It helps to get relief from ED and premature ejaculatory problems. Get sleep of at least 6- 8 hours. Try to learn about fantasies of your partner related sex, their interest, hobbies, likes.
All these leads help to move you toward a healthy sexual life. Healthy sexual life is now a day’s key of a happy relationship. So, keep in mind all these points for leading a great and healthy sexual life.