Decided to buy a new leather handbag? We will help you make the right choice. Listen to our advice, and you will definitely find a stylish and practical accessory.
A women’s bag is an item that carries a multifunctional load. In addition to the fact that the bag should be an addition to the image and go well with the main outfit, it should easily fit quite a few things that every woman needs. Based on this, let’s figure out how to choose a brown leather handbag in terms of functionality. Leather handbags in Singapore are so popular. So you will find them so easily.
Bag size
The main criterion that any woman should rely on when choosing the size of a leather bag is its purpose. Remember that no matter what purpose this accessory is intended for, it should look stylish.
If you need a handbag for going out, then stop at the choice of small clutches, where you can place only the most necessary items. If you work in an office and deal with papers, then it is better to purchase a roomy bag that will keep its shape and your documents will remain intact.
For girls who do not like bags and love shopping, a large volume bag will be the best solution. But pay attention to the presence of several compartments in it, if you do not want to look for what you need in the depths of the bag for a long time.
It is also important for modern ladies and the number of additional pockets with or without locks. It can accommodate the necessary little things: cosmetics, wallet, mirror, keys or mobile phone.
Is it a leather bag?
None of us wants to be deceived. Therefore, you need to know how to distinguish genuine leather from leatherette. Today, haberdashery manufacturers use fairly high-quality leatherette in production, which is difficult to distinguish visually and to the touch from real leather. Here are some of our tips:
- Bag cost. A bag made of good genuine leather is expensive. And if you are convinced that an inexpensive bag is made of leather, you should question this fact.
- A leather bag weighs more than a good leatherette bag. But at the same time it is necessary to take into account the weight of the accessories.
- The skin retains heat. If you put your hand on a product made of genuine leather, you will notice that over time the material has become warm. Artificial materials do not have this feature.
- Manufacturers of expensive bags made of genuine leather always try to leave some part of the product available for viewing. After all, this material can only be determined by looking at its back side. Often, manufacturers attach a small piece of leather to the handle or fittings of the product so that the buyer is firmly convinced that he is purchasing.
- The skin has a unique ability – it absorbs moisture. Put a few drops on the surface of the bag and see if it disappears or stays on the surface. If the water is not absorbed, then you have a leatherette in front of you.
- Natural skin pattern. Like any natural material, leather has irregularities, asymmetrical lines, and a unique pattern. On the surface of any bag made of genuine leather, you will find small defects and irregularities.
Bag Material
Most often, manufacturers use calfskin. Products made from it are very soft and practical. Bags made of crocodile skin look very impressive and declare the status of their owner. Models made of suede are not very practical in daily use, so it is better to purchase such a handbag for special occasions.
In order to evaluate the quality of the product, you need to pay attention to the seams, fittings and lining material. Smooth seams without protruding threads, well-sewn lining fabric and durable fittings, together with the good leather dressing, speak of the high quality and quality factor of the bag.