“The clearest way to show what the rules of law mean to us every day is to recall what has happened when there is no rule of law.” Dwight D.Eisenhower. It is the law that retains the rhythm of the country. There will be no civilization if there was no law so it is the law that is suppressing the barbaric nature of human beings. The ancient civilizations without law did every crime without any hesitation. Even though, crimes still exist but not to the extent that they used to be plus people are afraid of committing crimes openly. One such important lawmaking body is known as the legislature. This post is all about the legislature and its application in the UK.
“The greatest single virtue of a legislature is not what it can do, but what it can prevent.” J. William Fulbright.
The collection of all forms of laws can be categorized under the heading of legislation. It is one of the most important instruments of government in the organization of the country, society, or state as a whole. And It determines the rights of people and the responsibilities that people have towards each other. It is applicable to each and every citizen of a country and the person who does not abide by its law is meant to face punishment by the legislative body.
Legislature/legislative body:
A legislature or legislative body can be defined as an assembly that has the authority to make laws for citizens of a particular country. The laws that are made by the legislative body are known as the primary legislative laws. Besides the government of the country, lawyers also play an imprint role in shaping the legislation of the country. It is the legislators who make the laws and pass the bills through this body of the legislature.
How to become a legislator?
Even though; people from every field are acceptable to be selected as a member of the legislative body (if given votes) but the field of law helps in make the way easier. There might be many assignments and projects that students have to complete to become a lawyer but they can take Law Assignment Help and other such forms of assistance to make their path bearable.
There is no specification of the degree to become a legislator but it is better if a person is a graduate. Similarly; there is no particular subject that a legislator must major in but law and business administration are preferred over others. However; at the end of the day, it is the choice of the people (voters) that determine whether a person will become a legislator or not.
Legislation in the UK:
Becoming a legislator in the UK is almost similar to any other part of the world. The students doing law in the UK often opt for the British Assignment Help to save time, ease their academic load a bit, and improve their grades. It is because in this age of competition, students face many challenges in their academics which sometimes create barriers on their way to success (bestassignmentwriters, 2022) so it is only natural if they take help from these writing platforms or professional writers. There are two main types of legislation in the UK; which are primary legislation and secondary legislation.
1. Primary legislation:
In the UK, primary legislation is pass by the parliament of the country. These pieces of legislation or bills are approved by both houses and then are pass for royal consent, only after that, it is applicable. Main laws are pass through this legislation. Primary legislation passes;
- Bills include public, private, and hybrid.
- Acts including general, local, and personal.
2. Secondary legislation:
Secondary legislation is produce by the department of the government but it is not necessary for these bills to undergo the eye of the parliament. It is the secondary legislation that restates the law and also has the power to discuss and criticize the passed laws.
Types of legislation in the UK:
Basically; there are three main types of legislation in the UK which are further divided into sub-categories. These three main types are;
- Orders
- Regulations
- Rules
Then there are sub-categories of legislation which are as follows:
- Supreme legislation.
- Sub-ordinate legislation.
- Executive legislation.
- Colonial legislation.
- Municipal legislation.
- Judicial legislation.
- Conditional legislation.
- Autonomous legislation.
- Sub-delegated legislation.
The function of the UK legislators:
The role of legislator professionalization is to strengthen the legislature’s ability to constrain executive action and conceptualize legislator professionalization as prior legislative experiences and prior professional work experiences (Stoyan, 2016). Legislators must be eloquent in communication and must have analytical plus debating skills in them. Following are some of the main functions that are play by the legislative body of the parliament of the UK:
- It is the role of the legislator to write and pass laws.
- It is the job of the legislators to represent their constituent’s concerns.
- It is the function of the legislator to research, discuss, and debate different bills passed in the parliament.
Main elements of the UK legislation:
Following are some of the main elements and characteristics that separate the legislation of the UK from the rest of the world;
- It is unmodified.
- It is arguably a union state, monarchial, and parliamentary.
- It is quite flexible.
- It is based on important constitutional and parliamentary doctrines.
It is the laws that are keeping the peace and harmony in society. Without the application of these laws, everybody would have commit crimes without any fear of getting punish. These laws are pass by the legislative body of the government or the parliament. Bills and acts are pass by the legislation of the UK only after being approve by the primary legislation, secondary legislation, and getting royal consent. Hopefully, the above-mention post will help the students in having an idea about legislation in the UK.
Bestassignmentwriters. (2022, April 15th). How Academic Help Providers Save the Students’ Future? https://bestassignmentwriter.co.uk/blog/how-academic-help-providers-save-the-students-future/
Stoyan, S. S.-R. (2016, May 6th). Constraining Executive Action: The Role of Legislator Professionalization in Latin America. Governance.
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