21 Tips suitable for IAS In 1st Attempt

The UPSC exam is an important exam in the country. After passing you get the privilege of becoming an IAS IPS. But it is not that easy. And it is not difficult either. If the intention is firm, then success is sure, and if you get successful in this exam you can join IAS coaching in Dehradun, so here we have given 21 such tips which will help in making your destination easy and all you have to do is follow the tips given in this article.
If you want to pass in IAS In 1st Attempt, then important tips are available for you here.
1. Make UPSC Syllabus Objective
Most IAS aspirants feel that the volume of the IAS syllabus deters them from the determination required to crack the UPSC exam in the IAS On 1st Attempt. Of course, the syllabus is vast, but remind yourself that it is something that You’ve already read! Brush up your previous knowledge to kick-start your IAS vision. Start by jotting down the entire syllabus just in points and divide them into sections according to your strengths and weaknesses, and then proceed with preparing a study plan.
2. Stop looking at the IAS syllabus as a whole
It basically means that you divide the population (subjects in this case) into manageable parts and that makes it impossible for them to come together (divide them) and fight against the sovereign, it’s IAS In 1st Attempt to Take the subject of cracking..
Theory Papers: History, Economy, Polity, Geography, Optional Subject and Aptitude Test: CSAT
3. Make A Timetable And Follow It
Make a timetable for yourself, and the timetable should be realistic. Do not make a timetable that requires more than 8 -10 hours of your day to dedicate to your IAS In 1st Attempt to prepare. Once you decide how much time you will give each day and what topics you will cover while making sure that you follow it every day.
4. Join the Quality Discussion
Make a habit of discussing all the important events that are important from the UPSC exam point of view. All the former IAS toppers who have passed the exam in their IAS In 1st Attempt itself, give this tip. Not only in Prelims and Mains but also in Interviews – Good discussion will give you an edge over others.
5. Solve mock papers regularly
First of all, make sure that you have to solve more mock papers for the pre and main exams. If you want to be successful in the UPSC exam in IAS In 1st Attempt, then it is very important to do this practice. Regular evaluation will help you track your progress. You get to know your weaknesses and you can work accordingly. When we know about our weaknesses, then we try to rectify them, and doing so becomes a medium for us to motivate ourselves.
6. Develop Answer Writing Skills
In an exam like the Civil Services Mains exam, only studying the syllabus is not the important thing, how you write the exam is what matters the most. No matter how much you read before the exam, and how efficiently you are writing the answer within three hours, only one topper and the other fail, so it is very important to practice essay/answer writing regularly. Evaluate yourself and write appropriate analytical answers before UPSC evaluates you.
7. two-time revision rule
When you plan your studies, make sure that you have enough time for at least two revisions in your agenda. Both General Studies and CSAT syllabus should be reviewed twice a week before the exam and without revision, you cannot crack this exam.
8. Never Skip The Newspaper
To get success in IAS In 1st Attempt, you have to look towards a newspaper like a Bible because the habit of reading newspapers continuously can take you towards success. Reading the newspaper is important for you because you will get all kinds of information here. Many questions asked in the examinations come directly from the newspapers. Therefore, it becomes prudent on your part to know ‘how to read the newspaper’, ‘what to read, and what not.
9. Start Formulating Your Own Questions
When we ask questions to ourselves about any subject, then we start making better efforts. And this habit of yours will prove useful for preparing current affairs subjects, for this you should make a separate notebook. Where he kept writing his observation about the current incident. Get constantly updated with recent developments in the fields of art, politics, economy, and social sector initiatives. This notebook will be your biggest medium for revision of current affairs where you will be able to prepare completely for this subject.
10. Plan and Execute
Planning is always the first step towards success for IAS In 1st Attempt and the next step is to execute it. It may be possible that one may not stick to the pre-conceived plan, but one needs to develop the habit of reviewing the plan and, if necessary, go for mid-course correction. The right plan will encourage you to make IAS, so choose the right plan and follow it.
11. Maintain A Healthy Diet And Regular Sleep
Maintaining good health during the course is an important condition to excel in these examinations. Studying till late at night can disrupt the circadian rhythm. But studying till late at night is also mandatory. Hence, following a healthy, regular diet should be one of the top priorities for a CSE aspirant. Most importantly if you are making the first attempt then don’t panic at all. Because if you are afraid of this exam then you can lose your confidence in advance. If you prepare for this exam with confidence then surely you can get successful in IAS In 1st Attempt.
12. Work Hard
If you want to be successful in IAS In 1st Attempt, then it is very important for you to work hard. You know that the syllabus of upsc is very wide, so you should keep this thing in mind, you have no other way except working hard. Whoever has passed this exam has succeeded only after working hard.
13. Plan
To study for IAS, you need proper planning. The planning of the syllabus proves to be quite suitable for you to study. Because when you do not plan, then while studying, many questions arise in front of you and your mind gets confused because of it. In any situation, keep your mind balanced and study with concentration.
14. Get into the habit of writing
You all know that the art of writing is very important in the main examination of UPSC. To get success in IAS In 1st Attempt, you have to make a habit of writing regularly. While preparing for other subjects, the thought of this remains far away. And we get away from the habit of writing. But when the time comes to write in the exam then there is a problem, so keep writing daily according to your studies and keep trying to write issue-based answers by taking time.
15. concentrate on the mind
We all know that positive thoughts always give you energy. To clear IAS In 1st Attempt, it is very important for you to remain positive. To stay positive, you should continuously practice mind concentration. If you do this, then in a short time you will be able to concentrate your mind. After achieving concentration, you will be completely positive and this positivity will give you success.
16. Do group study
Group study is a very important option for IAS In 1st Attempt. Because when you do group study, you present your subject well in front of everyone. This means the ability to analyze the subject develops in you. This is an important quality of an IAS officer, so create a group where there are other candidates related to your subject. You will continue to get proper opportunities to study here.
17. Pay attention to national and international news
This is an important issue. Because you need to have detailed information about national and international events, you also need to analyze these events. To analyze events, you need to get the right information. It is necessary to make you a good analyst for IAS In 1st Attempt. Because this is how your personality is tested.
18. Use of modern resources
Friends, we have many modern resources available which can be helpful for IAS In 1st Attempt. Such as YouTube and the Internet. Youtube and the internet are very useful to give you enough information. You know that important information about almost all subjects is available on these two resources. You can use YouTube and the Internet whenever you want.
19. Choice of optional subject
This is a very important issue. Which is mostly ignored. But you all should know that it plays an important role in the process of an IAS In 1st Attempt. Whenever you have to choose an optional subject, choose the optional subject according to your interest. Do not choose an optional subject on someone else’s advice.
20. View previous year questions
It is very important to do homework while preparing for any exam. When you have decided to do IAS On 1st Attempt, then it is necessary for you to prepare thoroughly, so while studying, you have to look at the previous year’s questions and observe them. You have to read the questions closely and carefully, to see what type of questions are asked. By doing this, the picture of the UPSC exam will become clear in front of you.
21. Target Your Goal
You should know the purpose of all of you. If we don’t know where we have to go, then what would be the use of walking? That’s why always try to move toward the set target. Your target is to complete IAS in 1st attempt. If you try properly then you will get successful. Always keep looking towards your goal and never back down from working hard. Try hard, you will definitely get success.